Auction has ended.

Blaze “The Hose” Henderson

Auction History

User Bid Date Auto
Auction has ended. August 12, 2024 12:11 pm
user66b3cdab3a428 $40.00 August 7, 2024 7:40 pm
user6690168185c24 $20.00 July 11, 2024 5:29 pm

Started On May 16, 2024 12:00 am (UTC+00:00)


Blaze “The Hose” Henderson is a spirited and overenthusiastic wannabe firefighter whose dreams of heroism often get mixed up with his duties on the golf course. Born and raised in a small town where firefighting runs in the family, Blaze brings his passion for fire safety and his larger-than-life personality to his role as a caddy. Unfortunately, his firefighting instincts often lead to comical and chaotic situations that make for an unforgettable round of golf.

Blaze’s “specialty” is his tendency to overreact to minor issues as if they were full-blown emergencies. His caddying advice is often interrupted by his constant vigilance for fire hazards, and he’s been known to mistake a divot for a potential fire pit. His eagerness to demonstrate his firefighting techniques often results in unintended water hazards and disrupted play.


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